Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What's with Tiglath Pilesar?

So, I was asked what's with the title? Tiglath Pilesar Party of 2...

Well, we have this Bible professor and he says Hebrew Bible names are perfect for the hostesses at restaurants. Give them the name Sennacrib, Zerubbable or Tiglath-Pilesar III.

Sick sense of humor and I love it!!

TP III was the Assyrian King who conquered Samaria. There's your trivia for the day.

So, the rest of the story is this: I was eating with my friend Ben at Outback and we were meeting Amy for supper. Ben and I got there early and gave the name Tiglath-Pilesar. SO, I'm thinking Amy is going to die when she hears them call that name. Well, at Outback they've moved into the modern age and use the vibrating pager. Ben and I are laughing and Amy is missing the joke. It was quite sad.

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